Yiddish from a document from Paul Thorner
Paul's grandfather Abraham was Gedalia's brother.
Chshunstovsky *** חשאןסטאווסקי ***
This is the name that was taught me by my mother.
see also Thorner Name
under construction
see also Thorner Family Photos
August 8, 1903: arrival Gedalia & Glaka Chrzadowski & family. Abram (later, Abraham) was my grandfather.
going to the mysterious Wolf Thorner.
June 1, 1905: NY State Census: East Third Street, Manhattan, NY: Gedalia Thorner, 51
April 11, 1910: US Census Colchester, New London, Connecticut; G Thorner 56
[Frances] Perkins’ … letter to her classmates ... [1903] [about her] substitute teaching gig:
“There is a Baron Hirsch colony of Russian Jews in Colchester, and the Jews were the brightest and most interesting people in school.”
2/3/2010: Anne Thorner Stack to Barbara Stack via phone:
She remembers the fact of a farm in Colchester, CT and that her dad Abraham once stopped by the farm on his way home from a visit to NYC,
and returned to Maine with dreams of taking up farming. but his wife Rebecca would have none of it.
November 28,
1912: Manifest Josef Thorner: Going to Uncle Gedalia Thorner 155 South 2nd Street
Joseph Thorner son of Moses? and Faga B
August 4,
1913: arrival Leib Thorner from Brzesne: Going to Uncle Gedalia Thorner 155 South 2nd Street
Leib became Louis Thorner, son of Moses? and Faga B
January 3, 1920: US Census: 295 N. 2nd Street, Brooklyn; Place of birth: Warsaw. I used to hear family was from "Warsaw area." Jacob Thorner, 66
June 4, 1926: Death Certificate for Gussie Thorner, 295 S Second St., Brooklyn.
Signed by undertaker; Meyer Thorner, her son and probable informant, represented as deceased’s husband.
Father: Gedalia Thorner (her husband); Maiden Name of Mother: Sarah Turanchick, very likely an error.
July 28, 1932: Gedalia Thorner Death Certificate: Wife Gertrude Thorner, deceased. Informant was Son David Thorner.
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another Gertrude Thorner |
There was an Gertrude Weisberg Thorner (ca 2/29/1893 - 10/27/1983) married to an Albert Thorner, parents of Geraldine. |
July 28, 1932: Gedalia Thorner headstone: FindAGrave
Gedalia Lazer son of Yehuda Leib
September 3, 1932: Dovid son of Gedalia Eliezer FindAGrave
October 24, 1933: Azrael son of Gedalia Eliezer FindAGrave
March 13, 1941: Avraham son of Gedalia FindAGrave
February 15, 1942: Meier son of Gedalia Eliezer
After Paul Thorner's father Theodore (c. 1893-1962) died, Paul found a group of documents
Paul Thorner’s Document 10
1. Mr Moshe Yakov son of Our teacher, our rabbi, Yochanan
2. Ezriel bar Gedalie Eliezer = Isidor
3. David bar Gedalie Eliezer = David
4. Tuvia/Toivya bar Gedalie Eliezer = Theodore?
5. Meyer bar Gedalie Eliezer = Meyer
6. Avraham bar Gedalie Eliezer = Abraham
7. Binyomin ben Moshe Yakov
8. The boy Israel Menachim bar Benjamin
9. The boy Shraga Feivel bar Zev_
1. Chaya Liba beth Reb Israel Menachim
2. Blume bar Vigdor = Meyer's wife Bluma, daughter of Victor Herchman
3. Leah Grune daughter of Zevel or Zanvil
4. Mindel daughter of Nussen could this be Minnie, Theodore’s wife?
5. Bruche daughter of Michael
6. Dobra OR Dvora daughter of Gedalie Eliezer = Dora
7. Chana Raiza daughter of Gedalie Eliezer = Anna
8. the girl Itta Hinde, daughter of Binyamin
Could Benjamin be Wolf?
Could Benjamin be a Teronchik?
7. Binyomin ben Moshe Yakov
8. The boy Israel Menachim bar Benjamin
8. the girl Itta Hinde, daughter of Binyamin
wife could be
4. Mindel daughter of Nussen [Minnie, Theodore’s wife?]
5. Bruche daughter of Michael
Out late cousin George Katz is last known Gedalia.