April 19, 1910: US Census: 32 Carpenter Street, Philadelphia
Meyer, age 24, shirtmaker, Fannie,22, and Isadore Wilson
Fannie Wilson, age 40 [c 1870],
widow, children born 7, living 3, arrival US 1906
Morris Wilson, age 18 [c 1892], arrival US 1906, coat finisher

1912 Philadelphia Marriage License Morris Wilson and Mary Attman (condensed fron 2 pages)

June 23, 1913: Philadelphia Birth Benjamin Willson, the future Bernard Wilson

January 12, 1920: Manhattan, NY: US Census Morris Wilson & family condensed
68 East One Hundred Street
Morris Wilson, 27; Mary Wilson, 24; Bernard Wilson, 6; Bertha (Roberta?) Wilson, 5; Frank Hattman, 19, Brother; Louis Gianoff, 24, Cousin
look who is living nearby: Hyman & Edith Sobel!

April 20, 1922: Morris Wilson Petition for Naturalization
Morris Wilson, tailor; Birth: 3/14/1891, Russia; 4/12/1905 Arrival Philadelphia from Liverpool 0n SS Haverford
Children: Bernard b: 6/23/1913 PA; Bertha: b: 11/8/1914 PA; Julia: b: 12/27/1921 NY

April 1, 1930: New York: 54 East 100th Street: US Census

January 3, 1945: Manhattan, NYC: Death Morris Wilson