The University of Chicago and the Berkeley Free Speech Movement

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FSM Campus Press



Bettina F. Aptheker, "Intimate Politics," (Seal Press, 2006), p153
"Mario, Suzanne Goldberg, and I flew to New York City courtesy of ABC television. We used the cross-country airfare to stop at colleges and universities in New York and New England and in the Midwest on our return flights. Between us, singly and together, we spoke at Columbia, Queens College, Harvard, and the Universities of Chicago, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Everywhere we were greeted with standing ovations by hundreds and often thousands of students."

Jo Freeman, "At Berkeley in the Sixties," (Indiana University Press, 2004), p223
"Mario, Bettina, Steve and Suzanne went east on a speaking tour of college campuses. The ABC television network paid their fare to New York City so that they could appear on a TV show, and they used the opportunity to talk about the FSM at several campuses. The press generally reported this trip as a flop because only hundreds, not thousands, of students came to hear them speak. But for hundreds to turn out for anything political on most campuses was a lot, especially the last week of classes before the Christmas break, which was also exam week for some. They left the evening of December 9th and spoke at Michigan, Wisconsin, Brandeis, Columbia, and of course Queens College, where Mario had once been a student. All but Steve were from New York."

October 13, 1964: Chicago Maroon, p5
Berkeley students rebel against political activity ban, CPS (College Press Service)

November 20, 1964: Chicago Maroon, p12
More speech freedom demonstrations at Cal, CPS

December 4, 1964: Chicago Maroon, pp 1, 3
800 at UCal stage sit-in, CPS
BTS comment: interesting to see the telegrams going out

January 8, 1965: Chicago Maroon, p1
Meyerson new Cal Chancellor, Hugh Letiche

BTS note: "The proximity of finals has also driven many FSM leaders, who cut classes for a month or more, to try to drop out of Cal, in order to return in the spring.
Though this is against University rules, it was done for Cal's all-American football star Craig Mortan."

February 26, 1965: Chicago Maroon, p3
The lesson of Berkeley, Bruce Freed
"ROSSI ALSO NOTED that 'Berkeley is always revolting, probably due to permissible weather conditions.'

April 2, 1965: Chicago Maroon, p12
UCal Regents reverse decisions, CPS

April 16, 1965: Chicago Maroon, pp 8-9
Freedom and community in the modern university, Herman L. Sinaiko

"UP UNTIL the Berkeley riots this seemed so natural that few people, students, faculty, or administrators, were aware that it might be otherwise, that the exclusion of students from the political life of their academic institutions was not a simple fact of nature, but an arbitrary decision."

April 27, 1965: Chicago Maroon, p1
Cal: protests for a change
BTS note: The Filthy Speech Movement

May 28, 1965: Chicago Maroon, pp 1,3
Georgia's Weltner: HUAC dilemma: Dan Hertzberg

"Nor will the committee investigate the Berkeley Free Speech Movement, he [Charles Weltner] said, despite the statement by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover that some of the movement's leaders are Communists."

May 28, 1965: Chicago Maroon, p7
Student protests hold nation's eyes: David Satter

"The Berkeley protest took other forms at colleges from Yale to Brooklyn to Kansas."

November 5, 1965: Chicago Maroon, pp 1, 5
Berkeley students see Viet war as cause for more protest demonstrations: H. Neil Berkson, CPS
BTS note: shows transition from FSM to Free Student Union to Filthy Speech, to Vietnam War.

November 12, 1965: Chicago Maroon, p 5
Hal Draper, FSM supporter, to speak: unsigned

November 19, 1965: Chicago Maroon, pp 4, 7
US views campus unrest: CPS

Chicago Maroon Archive

CPS: College Press Service

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