July, 1910 St Albans, Vermont Border Crossing from Montreal; George Jules Waldman alias Jules Chazanoff
Plumber; Father: Boorakh; address: 9 Rue Evangile, Paris

Registration for March 28, 1917 Boston
marriage of Betsey Stachowitz and George Waldman
George was born in Russia and his parents were Borris Waldman and Bella Spleman.

September 25, 1919, Boston: George Louis Waldman born Stepan, Volin [Ukraine]; father: Boroch Waldman.

July 25, 1912 Paris Marriage of Isaac Waldmann, born at Steppel (Russia) on May 14, 1881, a haberdasher, living at 9 Rue de L'Evangile 10th Arr. with his parents Borouch Waldmann and Beila Spilmann and Rosalie Sidlovski, born in Paris on March 22, 1894 living with her parents qt 30 Quai des Célestins, 4th Arr. minor daughter of Leon Sidlovski and Anna Zarembovitz.

April 25, 1914 Paris Birth Roger Waldmann
On the twenty-fifth of April, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen at one o'clock in the evening, was born at the house of his father and mother-Roger, of the male sex, of Isaac Waldmann, twenty-two years old, clothing merchant and Rosalie Sidlovski, without profession, his wife, domiciled 30 quai des Célestins.
Margin notes: Married in Paris September 25, 1950; Died in Paris June 3, 1974.

1925, Deauville, France. Milton, Betsy, and cousin Roger Waldman, whom I met in Paris in 1970.
From the collections of Sam & Hilda Stack/Allan Stack/Marsha Stack Sylvia.
1925, Deauville, France. Milton, Betsy, and cousin Roger Waldman, whom I met in Paris in 1970.
From the collections of Fanny Stackowitz Supovitz/Bebe Supovitz Baer/Randy Baer Lewis.

July 12, 1928 Paris Birth Jean Robert Waldman
July 12 nineteen twenty-eight at twenty-three hours fifteen, born at Vinncennes 36, Jean Robert, male, to George Waldman, born at Stepans (Russia) December 15 one thousand eight hundred ninety, trader, and Betsy STOCHOWITZ, born in London (England) August 5 one thousand eight hundred ninety-eight, without Profession, his wife, living in Paris, Secretan avenue 20. Drawn up on July 15 nineteen twenty eight, nine thirty on the declaration of the father, to Casimir Florent OLLIVIER, Deputy Mayor of Twelfth Arrondissement of Paris, Knight of the Legion of Honor.
circa 1930: L to R:Front: Roger Waldman, possibly Victor Waldman, Milton Waldman;
Middle: Berthe Spelman Waldman, Bourah Waldman;
Rear: per Georges Carel, via Tony, this is Rosa Sidlovski Waldman, (perhaps her husband, Roger's father, Isaac Waldmann) Rachel Waldman, possible Rachel's fiancé Abraham Karfiol, Jean/John Waldman, Betsy Stachowitz Waldman, George Waldman.
collection of Debbi Waldman Pearson. (c) Barbara Toby Stack and
Deborah Waldman Pearson.

September 29, 1933 Marriage Rachel Waldmann and Abraham Karfiol
On the twenty-ninth day of September, nineteen hundred and thirty-three, eleven o'clock, before us, publicly appeared in the common house, Abraham KARFIOL, merchant, born in Debica (Poland) on the sixth of January, nineteen hundred three, and thirty years, , domiciled, 39 Rue Richer and previously 23 Flaubourg Montmartre son of Mendel KARFIOL, merchant, and Berte TALLER, his wife, without profession domiciled in Debica on the one hand. And Rachel WALDMANN without profession, born in Steppel (Russia) on November 2, 1906, twenty-six years, domiciled, 28 rue des Marchais, Paris, daughter of Borouch WALDMANN And Bella SPIELMAN his wife, without profession domiciled in rue de Marchais on the other hand. Divorce May 26, 1948.

1938 circa Milton Waldman in Trouville, France.
Valerie Kent collection, UK.

1939 circa, London: Freda Bialick, Isaac Bialick, Rachael Greenbaum Bialick, Betsy Waldman; Front: Lillian Bialick, John Waldman. Valerie Kent collection, UK.

July 12, 1941: Paris: Johnny's Bar Mitzvah. Debbi Waldman Pearson collection.

Fanny Stachowitz Supovitz Address Book.
Betsy and George and Johnny (?) were interned at Camp Vittel and Frontstalag 122 in France.
The US family could send them CARE Packages.
October 13, 1945, Lewiston Evening Journal. Deborah Waldman Pearson collection.

October 27 1949 Paris Death of Berthe Spilman Waldman
On the twenty-seventh day of October, nineteen hundred and forty-nine, one hour and a half, died at her home, 28 Rue des Marchais, Berthe SPILMAN, born in Stepein (Russia) on the fifteenth of May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty, without profession, daughter of Victor SPILMAN and Rachel RABOVITCH, deceased husband - Widow of Bourhou WALDMAN - Settled on the twenty-seventh day of October, eleven-thirty, on the declaration of Michel Waldman, thirty-one, merchant, 28, rue de Marchais, grandson Roger FOURNIER, Deputy Mayor of the 19th Arrondissement of Paris, Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur

1952 circa: Watertown, Massacusetts,: Rachel Waldman visiting with George and Betsy. Debbi Waldman Pearson collection.

March 27, 1955 Death of Bernard Waldman
On the twenty-seventh day of March, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, nineteen thirty, died, his home, 28 March des Marchais, Bernard WALDMAN, born in Stepan (Russia) on August 2, thousand eight hundred and fourteen, without profession, son of Boruch WALDMAN and. De Berthe SPELMAN, husband decedes. - Widower of Esther HOROVITZ. - Establishes the twenty - eighth day of March, one thousand nine hundred. Fifty-five, ten-six hours on the declaration of Rene Guyon, thirty-six years old, employed, 114 avenues Marx Dormoy at Monroug (Seine), reading which was signed with Roger FOURNIER, the Mayor of the 19th arrondissement of Paris, Chevalier de the Legion of Honour./.
BTS NOTE: Birth year may be in error. Memorial stone and other documents show birth date of 1897.

October 26, 1960: Paris: probably written by Francis' father, and Milton's childhood buddy, Roger.

January 5, 1974 Death of Francis Maurice Pierre Waldmann
On the fifth day of January, nineteen hundred and seventy-four, and at seven-thirty, died. 2 Place du Docteur Alfred Fournier: Francis Maurice Pierre WALDMANN, born in Paris 20th arrondissement on May 3, 1951, student, domiciled in Paris 19th, Des Marchais - Son of Roger WALDMANN, manager of a company and Gisèle Hélène SAX, merchant, his wife, domiciled in Paris 19ème 28, rue des Marchais-Célibataire - Settled on January 7, 1974. Rémy ROUILLON, 39, employee 2, Place du Docteur Alfred Fournier, who read the guest's letter, signed with us, Josette MAGNE, Official of the City Council of the X˚ arrondissement of Paris, By delegation of the Mayor-
Why did Francis die at age 23?

June 3, 1974 Death of Roger Waldmann
On the 3rd of June, nineteen hundred and seventy - four, nineteen hours, passed away. 2, rue Ambroise Paré: Roger WALDMANN, born in Paris 4th arrondissement on April 25, 1914, manager of a company, domiciled in Paris 19ème 28 rue des Marchais - Son of Isaac WALDMANN deceased and of Rosalie SIDLOVSKI, without profession, residing in Paris 11ème 37, rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud- Spouse of Gisèle Hélène SAX - Dressed on 4 June 1974 at 12.30, on the declaration of Emile PRIEUR, 54 , Employee 2, rue'-Ambroise Paré, who read and read the deed signed with us, Josette MAGNE, 7th officer of the City Council of the X 0th arrondissement of Paris, Officer of the Civil State by delegation of Mayor

April 3, 1976 Death of Victor Waldman
On the third of April, nineteen hundred and seventy - six, at ten seven forty - five, died, Boulevard du General Leclerc, 100, - Victor WALDMAN, trader, residing at Paris 19ème, 28 rue des Marchais, March 1, 1899, - Son of Borouch WALDMAN, and of Berthe SPILMANN, deceased - Bachelor. Dated April 5, 1976, at 4:50 pm, on the declaration of Angélique ROUSSEAU, wife DEBRAS, 38 years old, hospital secretary, at Clichy la Garenne - Boulevard du General Leclerc, 100, reading and invited to read the deed signed With us, Claude Marcel GRELU, Deputy Mayor of Clichy la Garenne, Civil Registry Officer - ~
TRANSCRIBED ON 16 APRIL 1976 at 4.00 pm, by Us, Liliane ROSE, official of the City Council of the 19th arrondisement of Paris, Registrar of Civil Status by delegation of the Mayor. / .NG

September 2, 1977 Death of Rachel Waldmann
On the second day of September, nineteen hundred and seventy-seven, at nine thirty, died. Residence of the Marne 49, quay of the Marne. Rachel WALDMANN, residing at Paris 19ème 28, rue des Marchais born in Steppel (Russia) on November 2, 1906, without profession. Daughter of Borouh WALDMANN, and of Berthe SPILMANN, spouses deceased. On the day aforementioned, at 11.30 am, on the declaration of Michel WALDMANN, 59, a businessman, domiciled at Aulnay sous Bois (Seine Saint Denis) 20, boulevard de Strasbourg, nephew of the deceased, who read and read signed with us, Jacques DUMEE, editor at the Town Hall, Officer of the civil status by delegation of the Mayor.
TRANSCRIT ON SEPTEMBER 12, 1977, at 9.30 pm, by LIliane ROSE, municipal official of the mayor's office: of the 19th arrondissement of Paris, Registrar of Civil Status by delegation of the Mayor of Paris, MPS

August 14, 1985 Death of Rosalie Sidlovski Waldmann
On the fourteenth of August, nineteen hundred and eighty-five, at 5 pm, died at 21 rue Brochant: Rosalie SIDLOVSKI, residing at Paris 17ème, 3 rue de la Condamine, born in Paris 5ème on 22 March 1894, daughter of Léon SIDLOVSKI and Anna ZAREMBOVITZ, deceased. Widow of Isaac WALDMANN
Dated this 16th day of August, 1985, at 9:50 am, on the declaration of Jean BALLARD Director, 114, avenue Marx-Dormoy in Montrouge (Hauts de Seine) which read and invited to read the deed signed with Us Madeleine Marguerite CELLIER born DAMPEYRON , Official of the Mairie of the 17th arrondissement of Paris, Officer of the Civil State by delegation of the Mayor. JM