Chandler Family Genealogy and Names

Chandler Family from Kiselin, Russia, Poland, USSR, Ukraine
Filler Family from Kovel, Russia, Poland, USSR, Ukraine
Kovel Memorial Book
Deep gratitude to Joseph Chandler of Portland, Maine who made an amazing family tree that got me started

Joe Chandler's Family History

Joe Chandler's Family History Illustrated (large file)

Joe Chandler's Photo Album (large file)

Yecht/Echt Bare Bones Tree printable-3 page version

Chandler photos

Joe Chandler's Family Recipes

Nelson Echt Yecht family page includes Chandlers

per Joe Chandler, "Dearest Rachel," page 6, "Mordechai was born circa 1866 and died in Portland, Maine, in 1949. His father, Labell, for whom Uncle Lou(is) is named) lived in Pritsk and managed a brewery in a town called Cognach. Labell married one of the Weizman daughters named Bas Sheva. One of Labell's sisters, Pauline, who died at age 96 in 1959, was married to a Shimson Radler, who was an official in the court of the King of Austro-Hungary. Labell's family name was Tabachandler, from which we got our Americanized name of Chandler.

Document Histories:

Descendants of Max Mordechai Seigal and Odas/Hodas/Hoodis Filler

Max Mordechai Seigal and Odas/Hodas/Hoodis Filler

Wolf Sigel b: 1888 d: Abt. 1918

Nathan Seigal Chandler (1890-1966) and Rose Filler (1888-1978)
updated 8/9/2011 + 1911 Birth Louis Sigal + 1917 WWI Draft

Unnamed Sigel b: Abt. 1892

Irving Seigal Chandler b: 1895 d: 1988
updated 8/9/2011 + 1946 Providence Directory + 1939 Wedding Announcement

Mirel Sigel b: 1896 d: 1905

Kalman Sigel b: Abt. 1897 d: 1941

Israel Sigel b: 16 Mar 1901 d: 09 Oct 1991

Celia Sigel b: 15 Sep 1901 d: 11 Sep 1975

Rita Sigel b: 1909

January 4, 1907: Nussen Linder (Nathan Seigal Chandler) Manifest

January 4, 1907: Nussen Linder (Nathan Seigal Chandler) Manifest

per Joe Chandler, "Dearest Rachel," page 3, "Actually, his son, Nathan [2BC], my father and for whom your brother [1C] is named, came to the United States aboard the N. G. L. Lines ship S.S. Main, sailing from Bremen, Germany, and landing at Ellis Island on January 4, 1907. He was sixteen years old at the time. His name was listed as Linder, because the immigration people undoubtedly couldn't fully understand him and mixed up the relationships of where he was going- to the Linders- with his name. He went to Pittsburgh to live with the Linder family, listed on the "Certificate of Admission of Alien" as a cousin to Nathan. The “certificate of admission” letter was dated September 16, 1912 (64573-S)."

December 10, 1923: Arrival NYC Tabakhendler Family: Motel, Udes, Rywka, Cywla.

December 10, 1923: Arrival NYC Tabakhendler Family: Motel, Udes, Rywka, Cywla.

Feb 7, 1928 Naturalization card: Motel Tabakhendler b: c1870

Feb 7, 1928 Naturalization card: Motel Tabakhendler b: c1870   Age at event: 58   Court District: Maine
159 Franklin Street, Portland, Maine

1930 Portland Directory
Max M & Hades Seigal clk 75 Middle; h 180 Oxford
Max & Ida Sigel mgr 75 Middle; h 197 Cumberland Avenue (not on Joe’s tree)
75 Middle Street, M. Winer grocer  (Not on tree)

Feb 3, 1931 Naturalization card: Motel Siegal   Court District: Maine NAME CHANGE!

Feb 3, 1931 Naturalization card: Motel Siegal   Court District: Maine NAME CHANGE!

February 3, 1931: Motel Seigal Citizenship. Joe Chandler collection; Larry Waxler scan
per Joe Chandler, "Dearest Rachel," page 2, "'Hoodis' Filler, wife of Mordechai Tabachandler. She was one of the daughters of Joseph Filler (the
Zaydeh Yosse) by his second wife. His first wife was a sister to his second wife and was the mother of Rose Filler's father, Zvi Hirsch."

Rose and Becky ca 1908
Rebecca Nelson (my grandmother) and Rose Filler Siegel Chandler circa 1908.
Family lore has it that they came to America together posing as sisters.

Beryl Filler & Nathan Chandler
1920 circa: Beryl (Benjamin) Filler and Nathan Chandler

Rose and Nathan shortly after marriage


July 21, 1935: Nathan Chandler and Rose Filler Chandler 25th Wedding Anniversary

To: Seigal
Hy Abrahamson
son of Rose Robinson; grandson of David Yecht

To: Segal
Mr. & Mrs Joe Chase & family
Mrs. = Etta Nelson Chase, daughter of Toby Yecht
To: Seigal
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Cohen
son of Fayga Yecht; grandson of Isaac Yecht
To: Seigal
Mr & Mrs. William Cohen
WHO IS THIS? Perhaps Billy Cohen?
To: Seigal
Mr. & Mrs. H L Filler
son of Zvi Hirsch Filler; g'son of Joseph Yecht/Filler
To: Seigal
Mr & Mrs Paul Goldman & family
Mrs. = Celia Tziporah Seigel; g'daught of Odas Filler
To: Chandler
Julia & Bill Herbits
Harold Chandler's inlaws?
To: Seigal
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Francke
Mrs. = Ida Robinson, daught of David Yecht
To: Seigal
Joseph Hyman WHO IS THIS?
To: Sigal
Mr. & Mrs. Saml Kunin WHO IS THIS? Kumin?
To: Segal
Mr & Mrs. H. Lapedis WHO IS THIS?
To: Seigal
Mr. & Mrs. H Mackson
Mrs. = Rita Sigel, daught of Max and Odas
To: Seigel
Sam Robinson from Montreal, son of David Yecht
To: Segal
Mr. & Mrs. Ziblatt
Mrs. Z was Rose Filler daughter of Pinchas Filler
To: Chandler
Ira Harold Mark and Ted [Chandler?]

Check out Documenting Maine Jewry

Origin of the name Segal (don't know how this applies to Chandlers)

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