In the old country their name was Yecht (9 seconds) Bessie Robinson Loeb Bondy on YouTube
per Joe Chandler (below), the name diffentiated into Filler, Robinson, and Yecht strands.
My Great Grandmother Toby (circa 1865-1932) was known variously:
November 11, 1905: Tobu Echt
August 1921: Taub Schleger
August 13, 1922: Tobie Yeht
September 24, 1924: Tobie Nelson
November 4, 1932: Mrs. Nelson
March 6, 1935: Tobey Nelson
June 17, 1941: Tobie Robinson
June 2, 1964: Toba Filler
ergo, I am simultaneously a Yecht, a Robinson, a Filler, a Schleger, and a Nelson |
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Ukraine circa 1906-1910. Molly Cinamon collection. | Toby Yecht Schlager Nelson Sacknoff, perhaps taken in 1924 before her wedding to Max Sacknoff. Anne Thorner Stack collection. | Joe Chandler scrapbook p81 "Mema Eta." This was Etta/Ida Lapides Robinson, 1855-1946, wife of David Robinson, though she can be confused with Toby. | This girl appears in the photograph at left. Who is she? Her identity and date of birth and age would provide important clues. |
November 11, 1905: Portland marriage Rose Nelson and Jacob Robinson
November 11, 1905: Portland marriage Rose Nelson and Jacob Robinson
August 1921: Canada Ocean Arrivals: Taub Schleger
August 1921: Canada Ocean Arrivals: Taub Schleger
August 13, 1922, Portland, Maine: Marriage Sarah Nelson & John Schwartz
August 13, 1922, Portland, Maine: Marriage of Toby's daughter Sarah Nelson & John Schwartz
September 24, 1924, Portland, Maine: Tobie Nelson Marriage: Daughter of Isaac Robinson
September 24, 1924, Portland, Maine: Tobie Nelson Marriage: Daughter of Isaac Robinson and Anna Resnick
November 4, 1932: headstone Smith Street: Mrs. Nelson
November 4, 1932: headstone Smith Street: Mrs. Nelson
March 6, 1935: Death record of daughter Esther Nelson Katz: mother: Tobey Nelson
June 17, 1941: Portsmouth, NH: Tobie Robinson (form edited)
June 17, 1941: Portsmouth, NH: Tobie Robinson (form edited)
June 2, 1964: Etta Nelson Chase Immigration file01_Pages 3 & 4 crop: Toba Filler
June 2, 1964: Toby's daughter Etta Nelson Chase Immigration file01_Pages 3 & 4 crop: Toba Filler
June 4, 1964: DS Page ltr for Etta Chase crop
Dearest Rachel, by Joseph Chandler: The Filler family, going back to the parents of my great grandfather, and for whom I was named, had, among other children, three sons. At that particular time in history in the last half of the nineteenth century, the Czar of Russia, under which the Filler family lived in a town in Poland/Russia called Kowel, would induct to the army all sons in a family except the oldest. For that reason, two of the three sons were "farmed out" to families without sons and those two took the family names of the families with whom they lived. That is how we have one Filler strain named Robinson and another named Yecht, but the three were true brothers. I have heard of an alternate "story" about the names which cannot now be verified, but which bears consideration in the scheme of things. That "story" is that the original name was Echt (Yecht) and the name Robinson did not appear until David came to the United States. This does not seem a probable tale since it would then have two of the three sons with the same name, subjecting one to the Czar's draft, a circumstance which did not occur. The name Robinson is alleged to have come about when David came to the United States and wanted his name changed legally. He was before a judge and when asked by the judge what name he wanted, David asked the judge for the judge's name. On finding out it was Robinson he is purported to have said that "If it is good enough for you, it's good enough for me!" David was quite strong-willed and expected his children to act in a proper and Jewish manner. One story that Irving Robinson related to me was of David’s view of the keeping of the Sabbath. It seems that David’s son, Sam, had taken a job which required him to work on Saturday. David told Sam he could not live in the house and would have to leave if he would work on Saturday. Another aid in understanding the relationships was the custom under Jewish “law” for men whose wives had died to marry unmarried sisters of the deceased wife. .... ...Toybe, one of the sisters of the three Filler brothers. We called her Meema Toybe and she was married at age 14 to Michel Schleger. He had been married once before to another sister of the three Filler brothers, Rachel (Rochel), who had burned to death. They lived in the town of L'Katsch. (These names are spelled phonetically and may actually have been spelled differently.) I was told that Rochel and Toybe were half sisters, but I haven't yet determined where the "half" came in. .... You have to know that the families, Filler/Robinson, were large families, especially in the generation starting with the three brothers their immediate offspring, and the "in law" families with whom they became associated. Besides the three original brothers, they had a sister, Malka Simmah, who married a Mordechai Schiff, and their daughter Bessie married Yossef Hirsch Nelson, the son of Malka's sister, Rochel (Michel Schleger's first wife). His mother was one of the Filler/Robinson sisters and she died in a fire. Rochel's child, Rivka, and her entire family of husband and their two children and their families of five and six people, respectively, were killed by the Nazis. One of Rochel's daughters, Chana (Anna), was married to the Rabbi Moshe Rokeach and they have an extensive family in the New York area. A sister of Chana's was named Pesse and she was the matriarch of our cousins, the Cook family. The last sister of the original Filler and Robinson triumvirate was Fayga (Francis is one translation). She married a Nachman Wolf Ca(h)n and became the matriarch of the Cohen family of cousins. |
Sunday, Aug 19, 2018, email from Ann Baumrind to Barbara Stack, cited with Ann's permission: My mother always remembered her step grandmother with deep affection and referred to her as her grandmother to outsiders. My mother and her sisters called her “Bubbeh”, as Toby expected. My mother always said that Toby worshipped the ground our great grandfather walked on, even though he was much older than she was. She was an exceptional woman, as I’m sure you know! |
For the Yecht family overview, including how Joe Chandler is related to Nelson/Shleger family, look here:
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