The Robinson family name was Yecht and city of origin was Lokachi for David and for his children, Kovel, now in Ukraine
Kovel Memorial Book ● KehilaLinks
Yecht/Echt Bare Bones Tree printable
Yecht/Echt Bare Bones Tree printable-3 page version
see Overview page for jpg version
Descendants of Isaac Yecht Robinson Family Tree
updated 11/16/2010
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Document Histories:David Robinson (1853-1922) and Hattie/Etta/Edith/Yetta/Ida Lapides Robinson (1855-1946) Max Robinson (1871-1938) Rose Robinson Abrahamson (1874/1876-1936) Abraham Robinson (1876-1942) Morris Robinson (1879-1947) Jacob "Jake" Robinson (1880-1944) Ida Robinson Kumin Francke (1883-1961) Hyman Robinson (1886-1955) Sam Robinson (1887-1973) Benjamin Robinson (1892-1969) |
November 30, 1996 Carl Loeb interview of Bessie Robinson Loeb Bondy the old country their name was Yecht (9 seconds) NEW on YouTube My grandfather was a Chasidic Jew (9 seconds) NEW on YouTube |
Robinson Manifests (you can zoom in) |
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January 4, 1895 arr. NYC from Amsterdam: SS Schiedam: Moses (Morris) Robensohn, 14, and Jacob Robensohn, 11 |
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August 7, 1895 arr. NYC from Bremen: SS Dresden: Itte Robinsohn, Chaje (Ida), 10, Chaim (Hyman) 8, Shmuel (Samuel), 6, and Itzig (Benjamin?), 4. |
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July 28, 1897 arr. Boston from Hamburg: Mendel (Max) Robinson and Pesse (Bessie) Robinson |
Still missing manifests for David, Rose, and Abraham |
Canada Broom Supply Co. (Montreal, Quebec)
TRANSCRIPT OF INTERVIEW WITH BESSIE BONDY BESSIE: CARL: BESSIE: 43:05 Clarence studied to be a dentist. And he originally wanted to be a doctor. But he couldn’t get into a medical school, so he got into Columbia dental school. He was good in the book part, but when it came to the fillings or the making of teeth, he was so fussy. It took him forever to finish something and then he wasn’t happy. So when he graduated, he found out he couldn’t graduate with the rest of the class because he had to make up some work. So he quit. And had to look for a job. It was 1932, 1931, there was the Depression. He sold Fuller brushes, and then my uncles were looking for salesmen. Their business was expanding. So Clarence became a salesman for the Robinson Wood Turning Company. Antique Phonograph News, Winter, 2016 While I was able to find a fair amount about the life of my great-great-uncle Ben, I was not as successful uncovering information about my great-grandfather Jacob. From a family blog, we know that Jacob and Ben Robinson had a store in Portland, Maine, called “Robinson Bros. Clothing”. My grandfather recalled that “….in the window of the store was an old Edison phonograph and that Jake also ran a dance hall upstairs over the store”. Around 1915, Jacob moved his family to Montreal and along with other family members established the Canada Broom Supply Company. Joseph Chandler, Dearest Rachel Jacob and two other brothers established the Canada Broom Supply Co. with world wide affiliations for raw material purchases; two other sons became attorneys, one becoming a member of the Supreme Judicial Court of Quebec, Canada. One day I shall tell you the love story \of the triangle between Grandpa Nathan, Grandma Rose, and one of the Robinson sons, Hyman, while Grandma Rose was making up her mind on whom to marry. BROOM, BRUSH & MOP Centennial Yearbook: 1912-2012, PAGE 68 The article went on to state that Robinson found living conditions in Hungary very economical and that the Hungarian government established a minimum selling price on broom corn.
January 8 & 9, 1920 Census 78 Dyer Street, Portland, Maine in home of Aunt Edith (Etta) Robinson
Feb 26, 2019: via email: Judith Cook (Tucker):
“My father told us that he lived in Portland for the year after his mother died because his father could not leave the family
and Portland was where there was a synagogue with a minyan, so he was sent, at the age of 13, to the aunt to say Kadish every day for a year, on his way to school.”
Check out Documenting Maine Jewry