the nine Nelson children, children of Avram Michel Nelson and Taube Yecht: Max, Esther, Rose, Rebecca, Etta, Sarah, Enya/Annie, Yitzchak, and Shieh
Nelson Name
Nelson Genealogy
Etta Nelson Chase Family
Photos of families of children of Avram Michel Nelson and Toby's half? Sister Rachel Yecht: Bessie, Joseph Hirsch, and Rifke Nelson and Chana Shlager Rokeach
Yecht Family Photos |
Joe Chandler's Dearest Rachel Album Illustrated
Joe Chandler's Album highlights
Nelson siblings in Ukraine circa 1906-1910. Per Molly Cinamon:
Sarah (b: 10/6/1900) is in lower right. Taube is top center. Etta (b: 4/5/1893) is probably at top right.
The other woman and two children might be the sister Anna and her 2 kids.
From the collection of Molly Cinamon.
stamp on reverse:
R. Sh. Bregman or Hersh Bergman
Horokhiv (Gorokhov), Volyn Gubernia
Negatives are saved
BTS note:
Horokhiv (Gorokhov) is about 20 miles South of Lokachi
Bessie Pesha Miriam Nelson born October 30, 1869; died October 30, 1919, Sanford, Maine.
Michael Cook Collection.
Rebecca Nelson and Rose Filler Siegel Chandler circa 1908. Family lore has it that they came to America together posing as sisters.
On that manifest for Rose: Cymric, Arrival Boston: 17 Jun 1906; Departure: Liverpool, England (8 June 1906) you can also find Lou Kates’ mother Esther (Rebecca's sister) and son Isaac, as well as Rose’s sister Anna/Hannah. I have been trying to find subsequent appearances of Anna/Hannah and her husband Mordechai Lichtenberg (name from Chandler tree) in the US, and have failed. It remains possible that she who is identified as Anna Filler is, in fact, Becky Nelson.
1910 Circa: Becky Nelson. This beautiful photo was unknown to Becky's descendants. Original size: postcard.
Joe & Marjorie Chandler collection.
Rebecca and Abraham Thorner, possibly at 1911-12 engagement. Richard Thorner collection.
Rebecca and Abraham Thorner, probably at 1912 Brooklyn, NY, marriage (cropped from oval) Anne T Stack collection
5/5/1912, Brooklyn: Becky Nelson and Abraham Thorner were married. Anne Thorner Stack collection.
1911 circa: Portland, Maine: Esther and Harry Katz Kates with David, and Anne and Isaac (1903-9/22/1911). Anne Thorner Stack collection.
circa 1912 Portland, Maine: Jake & Rose Nelson Robinson. Anne Thorner Stack collection.
circa 1912 Portland, Maine: Irving & Anne Robinson. Anne Thorner Stack collection.
Toby Yecht Schlager Nelson Sacknoff, perhaps taken in 1924 before her wedding to Max Sacknoff. Anne Thorner Stack collection.
June, 1924, probably at Old Orchard Beach, Maine: Becky Nelson Thorner • Etta Nelson Chase • Rose Nelson Robinson mystery person
Anna Thorner Glaser (a redhead) • Minnie Marcus Cook. Anne Thorner Stack's collection.
1926: 74 Mason Street, Biddeford, ME: mystery cousin and bride visit with Annie and Mel Thorner.
Anne Thorner Stack collection.
circa 1929, Maine: Front L to R: Sylvia Cook, Rose Nelson Robinson, Mystery woman, Becky Nelson Thorner, Minnie Marcus Cook, Mel Thorner.
Rear, L to R: Mystery man, Irving Thorner, Ann Robinson Leman. Anne Thorner Stack collection.
1931 circa, Portland, Maine: Molly and Mickey Schwartz. Anne Thorner Stack collection.
Lyle Nelson and who? Anne Thorner Stack collection.
September 9, 1934: St. Louis, MO: Max Nelson with grandson Lyle Nelson and granddaughter Lynette Nelson. Anne Thorner Stack collection.
September 9, 1934: St. Louis, MO: Sidney Nelson & son Lyle Nelson. Anne Thorner Stack collection.
September 9, 1934: St. Louis, MO: Molly & Sidney Nelson & son Lyle Nelson. Anne Thorner Stack collection.
September 9, 1934: St. Louis, MO: Isadore Nelson & daughter Lynette. Anne Thorner Stack collection.
July 5, 1936: 74 Mason Street, Biddeford, Maine: L to R: Max Nelson, Abraham Thorner, Irving Thorner. Anne Thorner Stack collection.
July 5, 1936, Old Orchard Beach, Maine: L to R: sibs Becky Nelson Thorner, Max Nelson and Rose Nelson Robinson. Anne Thorner Stack collection.
Top row: L to R: Max and Minnie Cook (Minnie died 1/6/1941), Jake Robinson.
Bottom, L to R: Sarah Nelson Schwartz, Rose Nelson Robinson, Becky Nelson Thorner, Etta Nelson Chase.
Top row: L to R: Jake Robinson, Minnie & Max Cook (Minnie died 1/6/1941).
Bottom, L to R: Sarah Nelson Schwartz, Rose Nelson Robinson, Becky Nelson Thorner, Etta Nelson Chase. Joe & Marjorie Chandler collection.
Same day as above: Front: Molly Schwartz Cinamon;
Middle row L to R: Max Cook,
mystery 1, mystery 2, Sarah Nelson Schwartz;
Top row L to R: Jake Robinson, Rose Nelson Robinson, mystery 3 (Becky?), mystery 4, mystery 5. Joe & Marjorie Chandler collection.
1938 Circa, 74 Mason Street, Biddeford, ME:
Lou Kates, Mel Thorner and Anne Thorner. Anne Thorner Stack collection.
1940: Florida Honeymoon: Seymour Miroff and Anne Katz. Anne Thorner Stack collection.
1942 Rebecca Nelson Thorner From Anne Thorner Stack's collection.
circa 1945, 74 Mason Street, Biddeford, Maine: L to R: Irving Thorner, Bess Kates, Sarah Nelson Schwartz Cook, Max Cook, Molly Schwartz. Anne Thorner Stack collection.
May 9, 1948, Bradford Hotel, Boston: Irving and Bertha Thorner Wedding. Top row, L to R: Burton Cook • Sylvia Cook • Sam Cook • Max Cook • Rose Robinson • Izzy Stack • Mel Thorner • Anne Stack • Etta Chase • Micky Schwartz • Maurice Cook
Front row, L to R: Jack Cook • Molly Cook • Sadie Cook • Sarah Cook • Dorothy and Bob Cook • Annette Cook • Mike Weber • Molly Schwartz
Anne Thorner Stack collection.
From left top row: Dave Kates, Hazel Brenerman, David Finkelman, Tela Millman, Jerry & Lois Chase, Dave & Dottie Millman, Joe Robinson, Irving & Esther Robinson
From left middle row: Anne Stairman (daughter of Joseph Nelson), Dick & Jan Chase, son of Hazel Brenerman (Marty?), Etta Chase, Rose Chandler, Anne Robinson Leman, Molly Finkelman, Molly Cook, Rose Robinson?, Sadie & Sam Cook
Front: Irving & Bertha Thorner
circa 1956, Eddie Miroff Bar Mitzvah, Portland from collection of Molly Cinamon
1959: 74 Mason Street, Biddeford, Maine: from left: Irving Thorner, Max and Sarah Nelson Cook, Mel Thorner. photo by Barbara Stack
1992 circa, Levittown, NY: Bess Kates. Susan Kates Orfanakis collection.
October 1, 2010, Portland, ME: Marjorie and Joe Chandler and Molly and Jack Cinamon. Barbara Stack photo.
Joe and Molly are half second cousins once removed.
Joe's mother was Rose Filler; His father's moother was Hoodis Filler; Molly's mother was Sarah Nelson Schwartz Cook.
© Barbara Toby Stack where not otherwise indicated